Sunday, April 10, 2011


Wow, it has been a long time since writing.
I've had some great ideas, really! Stay tuned!
Maybe it takes a birthday's eve to get my rear in gear ;)
So I sit here, thinking about where I was one year ago:

"This is your song!!!" Exclaimed my roomie, Stina.
She shoved a headphone into my ear as I slightly made out the lyrics:
"She's 18 and a beauty queen..."
Aweeee, that was really, I'm not a beauty queen, but it was the 18 part I guess that made it work.
That night, we slept under the stars on a sandbar by a river in Utah.
It was great.
I wondered what the coming year would bring as my 17th one came to a close.

Come to find out, so much did happen.
When I left Wyoming, I forgot a little portion of my heart.
But that's ok, because others helped to mend it.
Then I left my true home.
In search of a dream.
Not sure what it was.
Maybe because everyone else was doing it.
Maybe because God had a roundabout way to get me where He wanted me.

That was it.

I was supposed to be a music major...right?
But He showed that to me.
Praise be His name.

I was supposed to go to a perfect, private, Christian school...right?
Not exactly.
Well, maybe for a year.
He showed me that too.
Thank you, Jesus.

More unknowns than ever before lay in front of me this time.
I'm about to start something new.
Something fresh.
Seems like that's always the case...but as long as that's where He's leading me, I can't argue :)

Going in circles can be confusing sometimes.
But then I realize:
It's not circles to Him!

Last time I thought I knew where I was going.
I always think I know.

Joy and gratefulness pours from my heart as I think about the encouragement I've received from family and friends these past few months.
It has not been anywhere near easy.
For once, I have been in a place where hope and joy were hard to find.
There have been many days where I had to try to smile!
Smiling was hard!

Some posts over the last few months have had quite the emo aura to them.
My apologies.
I once heard Jon Foreman say something to the effect of:
"You don't write when you're having a great write when you're sad."

Yet His grace is enough.
I get bad attitudes.
But He still pours His love upon me.
Just when I'm about to give up, He rescues me.
Thank you Jesus.
And I was dead in my trespasses and sins in which I once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air...
But God,
 being rich in mercy,
because of His great love with which He loved me,
even when I was dead in my trespasses,
made me alive...
It is by grace I have been saved.
I haven't done anything because it is God's gift to me.
I can't even boast about this because I am
workmanship created in Christ Jesus.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ephesians 2:1-10, kinda~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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